No subject

Tue Jan 17 15:36:28 EST 2012

network as CxNodes.

With two radios installed one can be set up as an AP and the other can be 
dedicated to a link using WDS. It's a pity that one radio can't be 
configured as a client which would allow it to be linked to a non-WDS node 
but - hey, not too shabby for what  $80.

Node with WDS configured ---<     >---- AP2000 (radio 1 in WDS mode )
                                                                    (radio 2 
in AP mode )

WDS sucks if you have only one radio and share it for both the link and the 
Ap but with two radios, one dedicated to being an AP and one to a link it 
should work out fine.  The WDS radio will be a point2multipoint link.

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