[MLB-WIRELESS] Commercial use of MW network

Tim Hogard thogard at knotty.abnormal.com
Sat Mar 6 00:56:39 EST 2004

> i dont remeber saying ban vpn's craig, but my node is for community wireless
> and community projects, if a comunity project asked me to use one of my
> nodes for thru project i would say yes, if a IT company wanting to do
> something on the cheap and wants to pay me for my troubles i would say no,
> so far i know everyone who is linked to my part of the mesh, we all have
> varieing ideas but we would never step on eachothers toes just so one person
> could make a buck.

It goes get to a slipery slope.  Lets say I get a nice upstream
link and I (as a comercial provider) allow melb wireless free but
limited access to my upstream (aka free net access) but also let
my customers use the melb W network?  Then what happens?

This is just hypothetical but what happens then?

What happens if I'm willing to backhaul data between major nodes too?

What happens If I appear to be a good guy for 75% of the members but
are deep down a real jerk whos tring to play everyone off everyone else?
These are questions that I don't think can be answered untill the
questionable situation shows up.

In the real world, the ACA is clear on who can do what and if you upset
them its like a parking ticket for $250,000. opps.  I recomenend not
doing that :-)


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