[MLB-WIRELESS] Melbwirelses DNS and Domain Names

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Wed May 14 09:34:00 EST 2003

> I own a domain name and use my internal name server to 
> resolve those names
> (some of which map to internal address space), and also 
> forward internet
> queries too.  If the above scheme were to be implemented, I 
> would not have
> to touch anything and it would work.

I'm in the same boat, though I also use a "split DNS" configuration, because
the internal DNS uses Active Directory with DDNS - and stuff that there's no
need to clutter up the public namespace with.  Using public DNS for
MelbWireless nodes will mean I don't need to change anything, it'll just

> Matter of fact, almost no one (apart from those without 
> internet access)
> would need to change settings for it to work.  Drawback is, 
> users will need
> to be connected to the internet in order to resolve names correctly.

Internal NSs will solve these issues for non Internet connected nodes.

> We can step around this by setting up internal NS's as 
> suggested, and users
> will put them as their secondary (or tertiary) DNS servers.  
> If the user is
> not connected to the internet, the DNS lookup will fall back 
> to the internal
> server, which will then sucesfully resolve the name for them. 
> The lookups
> would just be a little slower for them.

Yes, this will work.
> The internal NS's would just mirror the records as needed.
> Can anyone find holes in this arragement?

It's basically what I'd suggest.

> Also, I don't think having internal (or fake) names is 
> necessary, they just
> aren't as flexible as real domains (aside for the fact that 
> you can make up
> cool names).  If you don't want to remember long names, just 
> add it to your
> search suffix.  Also, having internal names is pretty much 
> redundant in the
> above setup.

Agreed, stick to real names only.  If you're really concerned about having
funky names to refer to some hosts, you can always put them in your hosts
files :-)

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