[MLB-WIRELESS] [Fwd: FW: [Pebble-linux] pebble v19 release with via-rhine support]

Drew drew at wireless.org.au
Fri Jan 3 07:04:27 EST 2003

Now with miniITX networking support


-----Original Message-----
From: pebble-linux-admin at freenetworks.org
[mailto:pebble-linux-admin at freenetworks.org] On Behalf Of Terry Schmidt
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 9:01 AM
To: pebble-linux at freenetworks.org; nycwireless at lists.spack.org
Subject: [Pebble-linux] pebble v19 release with via-rhine support

By popular request via-rhine support has been added to the kernel of
linux.  v .19 is availabe at: http://www.nycwireless.net/pebble/

Changes to v.19

- Update to Debian 3.0r1
- Update to Linux Kernel 2.4.20
- Switch to ISC DHCP Server (because it can support multiple subnets)
- Add many more kernel modules for network device support including 
via-rhine for the mini-itx and other boards.
- Will be switching to ISC DHCP client in the future
- Added IPv6 for all the IPv6 freaks out there.

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