[MLB-WIRELESS] Alcatel launches its Public WLAN global end-to-end solution

sanbar sandbar at ozemail.com.au
Sun Feb 16 14:45:43 EST 2003

Alcatel launches its Public WLAN global end-to-end solution

Paris, February 14, 2003 -Alcatel (Paris: CGEP.PA and NYSE: ALA)
announced today the availability of its Public WLAN end-to-end solution
for fixed and mobile operators, from WIFI radio access, authentication
network elements, up-to value-added applications, designed to address
public small up to large scale public hot spots.

The solution features seamless standard authentication (DSL based,
Web-based, SIM or virtual SIM based, One Time Password based) towards
Fixed or GSM/CDMA/GPRS/UMTS Mobile networks. Seamless hand-off between
GPRS and WLAN is also part of this solution that also provides high
security features including VPN (Virtual private Networks) support as
well as full roaming support whether it is (RADIUS or SS#7 based).
Furthermore, it comprises end-user value added applications such as
messaging, infotainment and video, together with highly flexible pre and
post-paid charging mechanisms.

Alcatel has signed OEM agreements with Colubris Networks, the Canadian
based company, for the full fledged & secure WIFI radio access part and
with the innovative US based Adjungo Networks providing its mobile
network (HLR) inter-working.

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