[MLB-WIRELESS] Node BCA is closing down

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Wed Oct 23 10:41:40 EST 2002

> It'll be sad to see a person go...
> As a last guesture Barry, would it be possible to write a
> constructive piece on why you are leaving and the difficulties
> you faced (technical and political)?  That way, those of us who
> are left may be able to remedy the problems you had and avoid
> following the same path.  Maybe it will even lead to someone
> producing a 'off the shelf' solution which may convince you
> to join us again in the future?

That's an excellent idea.  If I had have known things were that desperate,
I'd have tried to drop in.  It's unfortunate that the antenna raising was on
a day that I simply could not get away from (I did an almost 13 hour stint
on the radio with JOTA).

It won't be the same without Barry around. :-/

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