[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: DWL-900AP and Linux

Ralph Fowler ralph at ralphfowler.com
Mon Nov 25 23:21:07 EST 2002

That would be great, because the 3 brands of APs that work with the OpenAP 
project are getting pretty hard to find, even on Ebay.
I have one here that I have been considering reselling now because what I 
wanted (client mode) is already in the DWL900AP+

I wonder if the folks who did the work to get the OpenAP working on the 
earlier boards are already thinking about this.
I don't know enough to even know it that's possible, but maybe with the 
right software, it could be flashed in through the PC card slot.

Also, as I said in the review- I can't find any evidence of a serial 
console port other than the UART contacts on the CPU chip.

Today I'm going to do an update on the review to add info on what you have 
to do to get repeater mode, more on the site survey mode, and what happened 
to the AP after I put the card back in. Today I'll also get the remaining 
picture posted- the one of the board in the case with the card inserted. It 
should show the little 1/4 wave internal antenna.

Ralph Fowler N4NEQ

At 06:21 AM 11/25/2002, you wrote:
Begin Quoted Text
>has anyone heard (or thought) about running linux on these beasties?

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