[MLB-WIRELESS] More NodeDB changes

Clae clae at tpg.com.au
Thu Jun 13 01:16:23 EST 2002

Personally I think it would be a good thing to have all the node data 
listed nationally in one spot.  There may be some issues with porting 
the data from one db to another, and there are differences in the 
features between each application.  Locfinder's list by closest is 
handy.  On the other hand, the elevation data on nodedb is a godsend. 
It shows pretty quickly which nearby nodes are hidden from you by 


>  >
>>    There is currently about 45 regions across all states and
>>    territories in the country, I am currently looking for expressions
>>    of interest in managing the other regions, so far Sydney, Adelaide
>>    and Mudgee are covered, with an offer to the existing admin of
>>    Melbourne Wireless, if they wish to take me up on it to manage the
>>    Melbourne section. There will be backup scripts, so that these
>>    people can keep additional backups apart from what currently
>>    happens.
>The offer is been extended to us (melb-wireless) to manage our area and
>I think it is time for us to take part in this nodedb. Are we going to
>have a vote on this at the group meet? Or Shall we just reply to this
>list and give the ok for Mr President to accept this offer.
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David Clae Gason
Secretary, Melbourne Wireless
mailto:secretary at wireless.org.au

i hate anarchists. i think there should be a law against them  -tahl

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