[MLB-WIRELESS] Fwd: [mesh] WOAH!

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Tue Jul 2 12:17:38 EST 2002

> Are there any legal problems with a single person 
> PPTP/VPN/PPPOwhatever'ing into their home lan, to use their 
> own private 
> internet connection? I'm guessing not. Thats how i'd see most 
> people who 
> want/need to access the internet doing it.

That would suit me down to the ground.  Link back into my cable connection.
I'm not breaching the AUP, as I'm using it over the wireless network for my
own purposes, and not making it available to anyone else.  More problematic
might be the carrier licence issue for the network, but then again, all that
can be seen is a VPN connection, and if all that VPN is doing is running a
terminal server or SSH session to one of MY machines, am I accessing the
Internet over the network?

One could alternatively argue I'm only accessing my server, and the network
is an extension of my LAN.  Also, I can't download data on one hit in that
arrangement...  Hrmm, need someone from the other side of the block to work
that one out... (i.e. a lawyer ;) ).

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