[MLB-WIRELESS] RE: SMH wireless article

Anderson, Steven SAnderso at pacificaccess.com.au
Tue Apr 23 12:14:16 EST 2002

Forgot about that.
I will get it done.


-----Original Message-----
From: bchild at wireless.org.au [mailto:bchild at wireless.org.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 April 2002 11:53
To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] RE: SMH wireless article

Perhaps a page on the wiki would be a good thing instead of backward and
on the mailing list???

Just a thought..

Glen Brunning
Hardware Tech
Melbourne: Digital & Wireless

---- Original Message ----
From:		Anderson, Steven
Date:		Tue 4/23/02 11:44
To:		melbwireless at wireless.org.au
Subject:	RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] RE: SMH wireless article

Does anyone have any information on this issue in regards to Wireless
Networking Gear (or something of similar power output)?

That comment in the article and some of the replies to my query have got me
interested in this.

As I mentioned offline to Jason Heck, I would love it if someone on the list
had some constructive information on this issue.
If I don't see a reply today I will try and track it down myself and post it
once I have something to add on the subject.


Steven Anderson

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