Mark Aitken vk3jma at ozemail.com.au
Mon Oct 25 22:29:50 EST 2004

>I haven't really been paying too much attention or following too
> many emails on the list, but even I know that it was going to be
> used as a node as it has been stated before, and the search for
> parts to build it has been posted here before too.

Quite true...........It is indeed going to be an intergral part of the 
system here at NodeGXT
when/if we manage to get links out to anywhere.

I only call upon the vast knowledge base that I know exists within the Melb 
wireless community as
I do not belong to any other discussion groups or organisations.

Maybe, just maybe, there is a need for a "general computer 
question/answer/forum" within the umbrella
of the melb wireless org?  We are NOT all super network guru's and I know 
that many many people that attend
the meetings have questions not only on the wireless aspect of computing.

Thanks to those that help and thanks to those that flamed...all 


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