[kernel-xen] Xen 4.1 and latest CentOS 7.2.1511

Steven Haigh netwiz at crc.id.au
Tue Dec 29 16:38:00 AEDT 2015

On 29/12/2015 4:35 PM, Steffan Cline wrote:
> Steven,
> You’re the man! 
> I did a clean install and once I weeded through the testing repo showing nothing, I was able to install it all.
> I rebooted and it seems to be up and working.
> For the time being, I added exclude=kernel-xen* to /etc/yum.conf so I don’t have to worry about it being overwritten for now.

You don't need to exclude anything - as its a higher version number than
anything in the stable repo, it will stay installed until a newer
version exists. It would be bad security wise to exclude packages.

> How long before this moves from testing to production?

I have a few smaller issues to fix up in the EL6 version of this
package, then both will go to the production repos.

Steven Haigh

Email: netwiz at crc.id.au
Web: https://www.crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897

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