[MLB-WIRELESS] World Wifi record

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at vkradio.com
Tue Jan 3 10:00:22 EST 2012

At 12:52 PM 1/2/2012, Peter Berrett wrote:
>Ok Let's do a sample calculation now based on the actual equipment I own
>I'll use the calculator at
>We'll assume that the setup at Binunyong has the maximum power 
>output made up of 30db gain dish plus 8db power output and -2db 
>cable loss = 36 dbm maximum legal power
>At my end on Mt Dandenong a 24 dbm ex galaxy dish plus 14 dbm power 
>and allow 2dbm cable loss with a Ubiquity bullet with -95 db 
>receiver sensitivity @ 1Mb/s
>That should give a receive signal strength of -84.3 dbm with a fade 
>margin of 10.7db
>Not a huge margin to play with but arguable doable. The Ubiquity 
>will probably do 256kbs at -100 or -105dbm so that should give a bit 
>more elbow room.

No one's answered my question about the noise floor at GHO.  That 
could be the limiting factor, rather than receiver sensitivity.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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