[MLB-WIRELESS] Fwd: Debugging 915mhz weather station?

Tim Hogard thogard at abnormal.com
Sun Mar 21 23:34:04 EST 2010

> I've got one of these screwdriver voltage detectors somewhere here... will
> that detect the RF output?

I have a fluke that I got from a sparky shop that isn't as good as the
one I got at Jaycar.  The Jaycar one would allow me to trace wires in
a building and the fluke only lights up near power points and switches
if they are live.  Both would detect wifi at times.  The fluke won't
detect a 422 Mhz transmitter that tells me I'm using too much power.

> It says it detects microwave leakage!?
Some of them do, but you can't count on it.


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