[MLB-WIRELESS] Bullet2 output power, why 1W or 100mW

Mark Aitken nodegxt at yahoo.com.au
Thu Mar 5 17:30:56 EST 2009

> Give a license to anyone who proves that they understand the consequences of
> their activity so that if they cause a ruckus by hogging all the available
> spectrum or consistently wiping out everyone elses (even non-amatuer)
> signals, then there is a means to stop them from doing it.
ah, but you see, we are given an element of protection above and over 
that of a free license user, just
as a primary band user is given protection over that of a secondary band 

We are not buskers, more to the point that a free license user is the 
busker! given a permit to use
the band by the government so long as they do not interfer with primary 
and secondary users.

Have read of the regs.....


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