[MLB-WIRELESS] newbie user
Morphonius Maxor
morphonius_821 at yahoo.com.au
Mon May 26 12:16:04 EST 2008
Hi Newbie User Here...
Just wondering if its just me but there seems to be a curious lack of
pertienant info on the Melbourne wireless website specific to alot of
the questions that an possible aspriring user would require....
I.E. how can i decide to persue this interest with out specifics...I.E.
1) Required hardware lists.
- lists of the different types of hardware required.
- breakdowns into possible specific units ETC under each heading and
which retail outlets stock these ETC.
2) typical set-ups.......
-What components are required
- typically how much does each component cost (retail).
- links to hardware supplier websites ETC
- exposes of Melb Wireless users...I.E joes blog's node
- what hardware he/she has ...
- where he purchase his particualar hardware.
- how much time/money did he devote to setting up his node.
- what does he use it for.
- are there any ongoing costs.
3) how much expertise is required to set up the node...
- what are typical configurations of the a foresaid hardware.
- is any special software required.
- can anyone set-up a node.
- how much time and effort are involved...
3) if i want to connect to more than one node....do i need 2 antenas?
4) what speeds can i expect.....
5) how much and what type of content is currently on the network...
6) what do users typically use the network for currently.
7) what different types of services are currently employed and are they
really useful.
8) is there any plans to expand the services provided by the
network...(i.E. telephony?)
I could go on.....
This is the type of thing i would have expected to find on your website....
instead i find specifics on people who are already using it and where
they are on maps and techno gargon of their hardware ETC which is really
useless to a neebie to be honest...
I guess i need to go to a meeting to find all this stuff out....
However with a few more articles on your website it would save me the
time of going out to hawthorn and then (possibly finding out there that
this is not for me ETC...)
It would be nice to have these types of topics covered on your
website...any answers by email would be good too..
P.S. Sorry to be a "Butt wipe" on my first post...
Looking forward to some info...
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