[MLB-WIRELESS] 1200 MHz data. If your a ham!

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Fri Jan 18 06:59:59 EST 2008

At 03:16 AM 1/18/2008, Steven Haigh wrote:

>Sadly, this digital format has also been restricted to full call

Incorrect, Standard can use it as well.

>operators - which means you can't use it after sitting the foundation
>license - something most people here should easily pass. If you want

True, Foundation can't use any digital mode.

>to use this mode, then you will need to study a good whack of radio /
>electronics theory and regulations.

Actually, 1200 MHz (regardless of mode) always required at least a 
Standard licence.  The high speed networking is only available on this band.

73 de VK3JED

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