Rowan 2008 rowan2008 at sensation.net.au
Sat Sep 22 14:09:02 EST 2007

On Sat, 22 Sep 2007, Peter Berrett wrote:

> Its I funny you should mention this because I was pondering about this
> kind of a setup myself the other night. I had read about how some
> generous people had made the internet freely available but then realised
> that if someone leeched too much it would cause problems with download
> limits.

I currently have an open AP and to be honest I haven't done much more than
limit the internet bw to 64kbit/sec. I have a dedicated server with Squid
so in theory frequently downloaded files will come through at "full
speed", but in practice there's probably not a big enough spread of people
using it to see this benefit.

I deliberately chose against direct access: although I have spare IPs or
could use NAT, I only offer basic HTTP access.

Not much is happening yet as it's only a standard AP with limited range -
only a handful of different MAC addresses have connected over the past

> I did the maths regarding throttling. At 10k/s continuous this would
> equate to 600k/minute thus 3.6 meg/hour thus 86.4 meg per day thus
> roughly 2.6 gb per month.

I think you dropped a digit somewhere :) 10kbytes/sec sustained is
25,920MB per month, or about 26GB per month.

The best kind of setup would be one that throttles back based on the
projected download for each billing period, so consistent light usage and
even the occasional spot of leeching wouldn't affect the average too much.
That way you could let people use the full might of your link, assuming
the throttling hasn't kicked in.

Throttling by individual MAC could also be something to consider.


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