[MLB-WIRELESS] Nasa Tv over MW

Peter Berrett berrettp at optusnet.com.au
Thu Sep 20 21:08:21 EST 2007

>> At least with Amateurlogic.Tv (the IPTV show I cohost and show each 
>> Friday night at 8PM on Amateur TV VK3RTV Channel 16) it can be argued 
>> that the show is predominantly Amateur Radio related.
> Cool, I never seem to get time on a Friday to play radio. :)  Must 
> download a few of them and watch :)
I am in Episodes 13, 14 and 15. I will probably not be cohosting in 16 
but should have a segment with me doing long range wifi from Mt 
Dandenong. I should be back cohosting in 17. Anyone interested in 
cantennas and wifi should download episodes 3,4 and 10.

cheers Peter

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