[MLB-WIRELESS] Possible use for the network

Peter Berrett berrettp at optusnet.com.au
Tue Oct 2 18:55:57 EST 2007

Hi all

Something crossed my mind which may interest MW members.

Many years ago (90s) I used to play with packet radio a bit and was for 
a time a member of the Melbourne Packet Radio Group.They had (and may 
still have) a half duplex 1200 baud radio network on the 2m band.

Anyway I recall that at one stage there was talks between the Bureau of 
Meteorology and the MPRG about using the network to feed data back to 
BOM HQ from a network of weather stations scattered around Melbourne. I 
don't know whether this proceeded but I have noted that on 
http://www.bom.gov.au you can see details of the weather from a small 
network of weather sites around Melbourne.

It might be worth somebody from the Committee approaching the Bureau of 
Meteorology to see whether they could make some use of the MW network to 
transfer data and they might even provide some funding.

cheers Peter

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