[MLB-WIRELESS] Fwd: R100 firmware and northern suburbs links

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Wed May 16 11:33:33 EST 2007

At 10:54 AM 5/16/2007, Zik Saleeba wrote:
>How's visibility to Heidelberg Hill from your Preston location? That
>shouldn't be so far and we should be getting that node happening in
>the near future, fingers crossed.

Looks like I'm going to have to pull my finger out.  One R100 going 
to get a brain transplant... ;)  Might have to use that for 
now.  What's your node ID or lat/long?  I might run a path profile in 
Radio Mobile.

73 de VK3JED

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