[MLB-WIRELESS] Buffalo Injunction

Tyson Clugg tclugg at umd.com.au
Mon Jun 25 16:33:35 EST 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 04:37 +0100, Tim Hogard wrote:
> > A federal court in Texas has granted the CSIRO's application
> > <http://slattery.slatteryit.com.au/rp/118/process.clsp?t=3D65DnM2ue82ohb>=
> > 
> > for an injunction to prevent an infringement of its wireless network
> > patent by US based Buffalo-group companies. The ruling prevents the
> > sales of all products until a license to CSIRO technology is negotiated.
> > The case started in 2005 after the industry failed to accept CSIRO's
> > offers to license its WLAN patents.
> > 
> > =20
> > 
> > Interesting - I wonder how come Buffalo aren't prepared to license the
> > patents? It's my understanding CSIRO are fairly reasonable in their
> > commercialisation arrangements.
> Maybe its because CSIRO is a gov't group and in the US, gov't gropus can't
> own IP.  If they had this issue with A US group like NASA, there would be
> no fees payable.
> The idea that a gov't can even have a copyright is somewhat of a new
> idea... after all have you ever seen copyrighted money?

Funny you should mention that...

The CSIRO helped develop the world’s first polymer banknote, creating
the most secure currency in the world.


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