[MLB-WIRELESS] More: Bricked WAP54GV3 - Serial Output

wridg_weinbergs at westnet.com.au wridg_weinbergs at westnet.com.au
Sat Feb 10 11:32:30 EST 2007

I have set up a Max232 on breadboard with the 5 1uF caps, wired it
all together and get this:
CFE version 1.0.37 for BCM947XX (32bit,SP,LE)
Build Date: Thu Mar 24 16:31:45 CST 2005
(motoplayer at cvs.gemtek.com.tw)
Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Broadcom Corporation.

Initializing Arena
Initializing Devices.
et0: Broadcom BCM47xx 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller
CPU type 0x29008: 200MHz
Total memory: 8192 KBytes

Total memory used by CFE:  0x80300000 - 0x80399700 (628480)
Initialized Data:          0x8032F870 - 0x80331F50 (9952)
BSS Area:                  0x80331F50 - 0x80333700 (6064)
Local Heap:                0x80333700 - 0x80397700 (409600)
Stack Area:                0x80397700 - 0x80399700 (8192)
Text (code) segment:       0x80300000 - 0x8032F870 (194672)
Boot area (physical):      0x0039A000 - 0x003DA000
Relocation Factor:         I:00000000 - D:00000000

The problem is - this is as far as it goes...
>From what I have read off teh 'net, it should go further than that.

is this unit now totally dead? I have tried <crtl-c> to see if it
will "break" out of a boot.
The power light always on, link light comes on on boot (for a few
>---- Original Message ----
>From: wridg_weinbergs at westnet.com.au
>To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
>Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] Bricked WAP54GV3 - Tried JTAG
>Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 14:00:55 +0900
>>I just got a dead Linksys WAP54G (version 3) that looks like it has
>>been bricked (dead).
>>It was configurd by me here (at work), and shiped to our Brizzy
>>office - where they had it plugged into a PoE Switch (and it NEVER
>>worked) so they shipped it back... and it hasn't worked since.
>>to use it to base a host at JQK.
>>ETH link works (at least it link refelects network traffic); Power
>>OK; Wan is not lit; SRS (white) not lit.
>>It has the STT flash ram on it.
>>No ARP's being generated that Ethreal can see.
>>I have tried all of the shorting options listed on every website I
>>can find (SST Pin 16 (A18) to ground and boot for 2 secs etc)
>>I have built and soldered on a Jtag and that shows the 11111111111
>>error (ie. not powered on etc)..
>>Holding the Reset in for 1, 5, 15, 60, 120, 300 seconds does bugger
>>TFTP -i put <firmware> times out.
>>Short of flinging from a great hight; giving it to my 2 year old to
>>"fix"... and wiring it to a kite in an electrical storm..
>>anyone got any ideas?
>>Something I can look for?
>>I am wondering if these devices do PoE, and if they do - maybe
>>power + P0E (from the switch) on at the same time killed it
>>(clutching at straws). I'll put a meter on Vcc and see if there is
>>any power getting around on teh weekend - no Cro to dig deeper than
>>that... but thought I would pose the question.
>>Melbwireless mailing list
>>Melbwireless at wireless.org.au

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