[MLB-WIRELESS] OT: Green community datacentre

Paul van den Bergen paul.vandenbergen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 13:00:21 EST 2007

Sorry, I'm loosing track o what we are doing here...

is the aim to provide cheap (near free) community-user-group-based datacentre.
provide green-powered same as above?

regardless of green power
(and I agree, buy it from a provider, they can do the economies of
scale and we don't want to do community based green power, do we? Mind
you, the same could be said for ISPs - but lets discuss that issue
we seem to have 3 issues identified.

1) cost of infrastructure.
2) how to get enough power into a building to support an arbitrary
number of racks.
3) how to effectively cool the racks. refer to point 2 and 1.

I don't have any real answers to these questions yet but here are some
thoughts (in no particular order).

a) Run a great big diesel generator on biodiesel or natural gas in the building.
b) offer free heat (or cooling - run via a heat pump - check out
quantum-energy.com.au (IIRC)) to the building
c) have advertising on hosted websites pay for the hosting service.
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On 2/6/07, clae at tpg.com.au <clae at tpg.com.au> wrote:
> It would be far easier and cheaper to purchase green power from one of
> the certified retailers like Jackgreen.
> Clae.

Dr Paul van den Bergen

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