[MLB-WIRELESS] A question on associating?

Mark Aitken nodegxt at yahoo.com.au
Wed Aug 8 18:14:12 EST 2007

Kim Hawtin wrote:
> To the point where its better to run two APs on the same channel, one
> on B and one on G...
> regards,
> Kim

Hi Kim,

I dont have that luxury.  I am installing  Cisco AIR-LAP1242AG Access 
points,  a combined A/B/G model.

I wish to understand, the question I asked, so as to determine if the 
5.8GHz (A mode) section of the AP,  when
used in a point to point method (Bridge) will not suffer from 
congestion.  If 2.4GHz clients all connect at 54M
then yes the bridge would suffer,  however,  if the B/G section is 
controlled by the lowest connection speed in
the system of clients,  then the 5.8Ghz section should not suffer 
congestion as bad. 
It is expected that 20 - 30 clients at one time could be connected.



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