[MLB-WIRELESS] Public internet access

Tim Hogard thogard at knotty.abnormal.com
Fri Sep 22 16:43:48 EST 2006

> hmm, what would a ballpark for cost look like?
> capital equipment say 20 nodes at 1K / node
More like $500 for installed wireless customer radios.
The central managment pushes that up.
> carrier license say 2K + 1K / year
Legal fees are the major killer with a carrier license.  Others
have spent between $20,000 and $100,000 that I know of.
> bulk bandwidth ?? I have no idea
$550 a megabit if your buying 10 or more plus a tail charge of
$500 to $1000 per month.
> some hosting for the onramp equipment
A rack in a data center costs $600 to $1400/mo.
> there's probably about 50k of startup cost at least.
The tower that HVC is sitting on cost about $10,000 a year in rent.


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