[MLB-WIRELESS] SSID "802!_Free_Internet" in Craigieburn/Roxburgh Park area

Mark Aitken nodegxt at yahoo.com.au
Fri Sep 8 17:37:58 EST 2006

Hugh Campbell wrote:

>I can see the same SSID indoors with my Mactel lappy in Brunswick.
>So I googled and got this
>Mystery solved... ;-)
>Quoting Rowan 2006 <rowan2006 at sensation.net.au>:

and from that web site........

> You have to view a 30 sec ad every half hour and install a toolbar 
> into your browser which will give you the opportunity to select local 
> products and services from local advertisers, and that's it.

Wonder if they discriminate if you run solely linux and they dont have 
the toolbat for it?


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