[MLB-WIRELESS] Wireless router temp logger?

Kim Hawtin kim.hawtin at adelaide.edu.au
Mon Oct 16 09:02:58 EST 2006

David Ashburner wrote:
> Ah, of course. I've seen the samples buttons before but it just didn't 
> occur to me that they would send them here ( doh, it's just a small 
> envelope ).
> They have some nice I2c real-time clocks as well :)
> Yeah, I have to agree with Andrew, KISS, though much easier sticking 
> something on the serial port of the WRT than trying to get hookup wire 
> on to some of those GPIO pins.

>From http://www.maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/126

"There are several 1-Wire master chips that can be used as a peripheral
 to a microprocessor. The DS2480B Serial 1-Wire Line Driver provides
 easy connectivity to a standard serial port....
 The DS2490 provides a 1-Wire master with a USB interface.
 The DS1481 provides a 1-Wire master with a parallel interface."

This is why the Mitsubishi R100s are nice, they have a usb port and a
serial port =)

I'm not sure how to interface the 1-Wire master chip, but it sounds like
an easier entry point than hacking GPIO pins?

Can you interface the I2C to the serial or parallel port?
Are there I2C USB bridges?

> If you have the AVR connected via serial then you could either put a 
> max232 on the WRT and connect it there ( or remove the same from the 
> AVR board).  What about the software on the Linux machine? if it's non 
> GUI then it should be straightforward porting.
> I'm going to do a little TCP to serial ipkg in the next few weeks for 
> just this sort of thing. Easier to run apps elsewhere and use the 
> router to convert from one world to the other.


Operating Systems, Services and Operations
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide
kim.hawtin at adelaide.edu.au

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