David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Wed May 3 11:32:17 EST 2006

On May 2, 2006, at 5:51 PM, Richard Ap-Thomas wrote:

> Looking at getting one (WRT54GL) and sticking OpenWRT or the build
> available from melbourne wireless, just wondering if anyone has got one
> and had luck with installing on them? Same as WRT54G v4.0 afaik, 4 MB
> flash and 16 MB ram...
Might be better ( = cheaper and same functionality ) to get the Asus 
WL500G or Mitsubishi Diamond R100. I think you are going to be paying a 
premium for the GL version of the WRT.

The cool thing about the Asus / Mitsubishi ( same box different 
branding ) is the radio is on a mini-pci card so you
change it if you want - the broadcom radio in the WRTxxx is probably 
it's weakest point


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