[MLB-WIRELESS] OT - Help sign a partition to help motorcyclist

David vk3jda at optusnet.com.au
Mon Jan 16 21:00:29 EST 2006

Last replay


(b) I think your seeing many cars with broken mirrors blah blah blah is
>a bit of a sweeping generalisation.

I was only talking about the ones I have seen.

>  I could bet that I've seen - in real
>life - many more motorcyclists rear-ended in heavy traffic

Only ever seen 2 but have seen many more hit from the side.

>  than what you
>believe to be motorcycle-damaged mirrors. The definition of "f#$^wit" is
>all relative.

Only yesterday had 9 bike riders go past me on the wrong side of the road 
around a hair pin bend coming down Arthurs seat road (my definition of 
"f#$^ wit).

PS. for the record have just sold my 3rd car which had 972,000 + KM on the 
clock, so having driven well over the 1000,000 K's I have seen just about 
all there is to see and some I did not want to see.

>Please, thread=dead.
>- Barry
>Vak: It's beer o'clock!
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