[MLB-WIRELESS] Launching The Automagic Firmware Builder

Chris Samuel chris at csamuel.org
Mon Dec 11 19:51:41 EST 2006

On Saturday 09 December 2006 5:01 pm, Dan Flett wrote:

> The intention of the design of the Freifunk Firmware and the Automagic
> Firmware Builder is that people use the IP address range and netmask
> allocated to them.  A /16 netmask on your wireless interface will not upset
> the rest of the network - broadcast traffic is not (yet) relayed by OLSR,
> and OLSR nodes only advertise themselves as a /32 route.
> It is true that the address range allocated to you is a /28 - if you want
> to advertise your entire /28 to the rest of the network you can add it as
> an entry in the "HNA4" box.  But you only need to do this if you have
> non-OLSR nodes with static IP addresses in your allocation.  Nodes with
> DHCP-assigned addresses (from the Freifunk node) can still talk to the rest
> of the network via NAT.

Aha, that explains it, very much appreciated!   Quite a neat idea and given 
that I've got a spare Linksys I can set up a second node and see how it 
works. :-)

I did try and read their notes about the firmware on their website but a lot 
of it is in German..

 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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