[MLB-WIRELESS] Fw: The Linksys WRT54G era comes to an end.

David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 28 17:31:17 EST 2005

>Would it be possible to connect one of these:
>http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=DWL-G132-R&cat=NET to the usb
>port? I've been looking for one that will let me connect to a remote
>wisp with one wireless interface and then use my connection wirelessly
>through the other one (with a laptop). This is what I have planned for
>the usb interface: http://www.usbwifi.orcon.net.nz/

possibly, the key is get a USB radio that has open source drivers for Linux. 
Then they can be compiled for the router and your are all set. If you don't 
have source they your are in trouble as it is unlikely any manufacturer 
would offer a binary driver for the mipsel instruction set.

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