[MLB-WIRELESS] infrastructure thoughts

David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 9 22:05:43 EST 2005

>Here is a link for some bgp/AS tools http://www.bgp4.as/tools

I would have thought BGP is a little cumbersome to use in a Mesh 
environment. OLSR ( http://www.olsr.org ) is probably a better and easier 
choice if you are meshing up.

>>> > On another note, would tunneling through peoples broadband be out of  
>>> > question to connect remote links?  Simple VPN I suppose, but isn't 
>>> > some sort of encapsulation that you can use.
>>>The last time I mentioned this concept half of the old boys club came out
>>>and said it wasn't wireless, so it wasn't on. :)

I don't remember it quite like that, haven't gone back through the email 
archive but I thought the general concensus was if you want to make a tunnel 
then go for it. A lot of bla bla about wireless links would be better if you 
could  but as you say, If you have a remote node that can't connect any 
other way why would you no make a tunnel. In the end you are extending the 
coverage of the network so that should be a good thing.

I think the bigger problem is identifying someone who is prepared to be the 
other end of your tunnel.

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