Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Sun Nov 13 14:13:19 EST 2005

At 02:00 PM 11/13/2005, Dan Flett wrote:
>One of the simplest ways of setting up an unencrypted tunnel under Linux is
>to use IPIP encapsulation.
>There is a howto here:
>I've not tried IPIP myself, but it looks like what we're after.  OpenVPN
>does have the advantage of Windows support though.  There are a few ways to
>skin this cat... People can use whatever works for them. :)

the IPIP tunnels are more likely to have issues when one or both ends 
is a dynamic IP.  That was one thing I liked about CIPE - it could 
handle a seamless change of IP at either end. :)

73 de VK3JED

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