[MLB-WIRELESS] infrastructure thoughts

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Wed Nov 9 20:56:33 EST 2005

At 08:27 PM 11/9/2005, Rowan Crowe wrote:
>On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Simon Hall wrote:
> > On another note, would tunneling through peoples broadband be out of the
> > question to connect remote links?  Simple VPN I suppose, but isn't there
> > some sort of encapsulation that you can use.
>The last time I mentioned this concept half of the old boys club came out
>and said it wasn't wireless, so it wasn't on. :)

Sounds like the "IRLP isn't ham radio" crowd...  Progress goes on... 
;)  (we didn't stop on their account :-D )...  However, it would be 
nicer to have as much of the network wireless as possible...

73 de VK3JED

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