[MLB-WIRELESS] agm agenda

Joseph Sirucka jsirucka at connectingyou.com.au
Mon Nov 7 19:44:35 EST 2005

Hi All

As you know the 11th November 2005 is Melbourne Wireless Annual  General 

** NOTE**
All proxy voting must be emailed, relayed to the secretary no later  
than 4pm 11th November 2005.

The Agenda for the night for elections will  go as follow.

Agenda  of the AGM  will be mentioned as below.

Each Position Member will give a report on there positions.  President, 
Vice President, Tresurer, Secretary.

First Part of the election will be to change the constitution of  the 
Melbourne Wireless to raise from two committee members to four.  (On the 
outcome of the vote it will also determine the amount of  members there 
will be voted on the committee).

Election of President
Election of Vice President
Election of Tresurer
Election of Secretary
Election of General Committee members.

With the election of the General Committee member's, there must be  a 
provisio, on the bases that if the vote for the constitution  change is 
made, but is rejected but the Victoria Business Affairs  Agency, that 
two generals members must either be voted by the  lowest vote or 
volunteer to step down if the constitution is  rejected by the 
Government. These two positions will be considered  temporary till the 
constitution changes are accepted by Government.

Change/Handover of the committee will be made, with speeches from  the 
new committee.

As with the constitution nobody can nominate themselves on the  night 
due to all postions. There has been a nomination for each  postiion and 
by constitution nominations must be seven days before  the agm unless 
not filed.

People who have been nominated for positions are as follow below.

President - Steven Haigh
Vice President - David Nuttal
Secretary - Mark Withers, Dan Flett
Treasurer - Mike Campion
Member Rep - Tim Hogard, Joseph Sirucka, Vaskos,  Peter Buncle.


Joseph Sirucka
Current Secretary

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