[MLB-WIRELESS] Bridge 802.11x (TKIP or AES)

admin-list at deathnet.id.au admin-list at deathnet.id.au
Wed May 25 22:50:58 EST 2005

Hi Everyone,

I need a bridge that will act as a client to my access point (WAP54Gv2) 
which will support, 802.11x (EAP: TTLS, TLS or MSCHAPv2) with TKIP or 
AES encryption (WPA).

The only bridge i know of that supports the above (TTLS/TLS) is the 
Linksys WET54Gv2 (not v1)...

Is there any others, anyone knows of?

Has anyone got the WET54Gv2 working with WPA?

Cheers, Mick
E-mail: admin-list at deathnet.id.au

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  who is doing it."

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