John McClumpha john at incitegraphics.com.au
Wed Mar 23 09:18:49 EST 2005

Where are you located? - I've got a set of the 5.3 release here

Gabrielle Harrison & Paul van den Bergen wrote:
 > Hi all,
 > just a quick de-lurk - has anyone here got access to a relatively
 > recent  copy of FreeBSD CDs (e.g. 5.3-RELEASE) or say fast (and free)
 > access to  one of the mirror sites (ftp.au.freebsd.org aka
 > ftp.planetmirror.com,  ftp2.au.freebsd.org aka mirror.aarnet.edu.au or
 > ftp3.au.freebsd.org aka  mirror.pacific.net.au) and would be willing to
 > write me the 2 CDs? Am  currently attempting dialup download of 650
 > MB... *sigh*
 > I can pay in Homebrew and or blank CDs...

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