[MLB-WIRELESS] WRAP outdoor boxes

Paul McGowan paul.mcgowan at yawarra.com.au
Sun Mar 20 17:42:13 EST 2005


Recently, I came and spoke to Melbourne wireless about (among other 
things) these very boards!   We are currently the only importer of PC 
Engines WRAP products in Australia.  We're also quite new, so if you 
haven't come across us, I'm not offended ;-)

For those readers who were at the Melbourne wireless talk, and took a 
brochure, I have some more good news. We completed an internal 
pricing review last week, and will be *lowering* our prices for our 
current range in the next day or two.

We are currently in the process of having this board and case tested 
to Australian regulations, and expect to be able to start shipping 
them (locally) in the next couple of months.

We also stock the Atheros based CM9 (802.11a/b/g) wireless cards, as 
well as the omni antennas, CF cards (Sandisk) POE gear and power 

Having had a quick look at your specs, I think we will probably be 
able to supply a fully equipped, Australian compliant box within the 
$675 budget you mention.  

You're right about the shipping and import costs adding significantly 
to the USD quoted prices and I must say I'm impressed that you picked 
this up.  Most people we talk to miss these costs and ask us why we 
charge more than "they can get it for" overseas.  The truth is, as 
you obviously realise, they can't.

You are also quite correct about the pentium class processor in the 
WRAP (NSC Geode SC1100-266) being far more versatile than the WRT54G. 
 As standard, we will be shipping WRAP2's with 128MB RAM, and a 64MB 
Sandisk CF card.

What's more, if you want to get some interested people together, we 
can probably do better prices.

Best Regards,

Paul McGowan
Technical Manager

Yawarra Information Appliances Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9800-2261,  Fax: (03) 9800-2279
PO Box 606, Boronia VIC 3155

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