David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 9 09:03:28 EST 2005

>Ssh keys... I'm assuming it's not standard firmware then?
It's a minor variation from the linksys 2.08 firmware.  I did it because the 
Bigpond cable login stuff  was buggy, so I hacked it a bit.

>Would think you'd be better off generating ssh keys once off as well and
>storing them in solid state memory rather than generating them on each
>boot.  Since you'll then have to update all your ssh keys on the client
>side and you're less likely to notice any attacks involving substitution
>of keys.

I did that firmware about a year ago,  It doesn't have a jfss partition and 
it was kind of pointless putting the temp host key in as a NVRAM variable.  
It only generates the host keys when the sshd is enabled or it does a power 
on boot so I can live with it, besides you should change that key periodicly 

he he, if anyone wants to attack my router by trying to substitute keys they 
can have it :)

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