[MLB-WIRELESS] Internet Access

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 28 15:33:58 EST 2005

>Everything else aside, if MW bought bandwidth at $400 per Mbit wholesale,
>we'd have to cover a minimum cost of $400 per month. This is ignoring the
>fact that we still have to get that bandwidth from somewhere (the source),
>and get it to wherever we want.

$400 per month = $4800 per year.

400 people paying a $25 per year membership = $10000

Surplus funds used to pay off the backbone gear and the ever present 
administrative stuff...

It would take a bit of sitting down and thinking about (and maybe actually 
even asking people) to work out a good "sweet spot" between the price of 
membership and the number of people willing to pay it, but I certainly think 
Melbourne Wireless Inc could be rasing a lot more money from membership fees 
that it currently does.  If we can't offer Internet access (yet), then all 
the more money for backbone gear!


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