[MLB-WIRELESS] [Fwd: Melb Wireless Member Offer: Maxtor One Touch]

Steven Haigh netwiz at crc.id.au
Mon Jul 25 12:36:52 EST 2005


This offer exists for valid Melbourne Wireless Financial members.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Melb Wireless Member Offer: Maxtor One Touch
From:    "Eik Lan" <eiklan_liang at digiland.com.sg>
Date:    Mon, July 25, 2005 12:36
To:      undisclosed-recipients:;

Dear Members,

Please check out Digiland's Latest offer on Maxtor One Touch External drive :

A31E160 - 160GB, 7200RPM, USB 2.0, 8MB, PC - $255
A31E200 - 200GB, 7200RPM, USB 2.0, 8MB, PC - $295
A31E250 - 250GB, 7200RPM, USB 2.0, 8MB, PC - $345
A31A200 - 200GB, 7200RPM, USB 2.0 & FireWire, 8MB, PC/MAC - $335

Please feel free to contact me for more information. Thank you.

With warmest regards,
Eik Lan, Liang
Business Unit Manager
Digiland Pty Ltd
Tel: +613 95427600
DID: +613 95427629
Fax: +613 95427650
Mobile: +614 32776282

Steven Haigh

Email: netwiz at crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9308 3238 - 0412 935 897

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