[MLB-WIRELESS] Greetings...

Jonathan Gray jsg at goblin.cx
Wed Jul 20 21:12:10 EST 2005

On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 08:18:08PM +1000, Daryl Knight wrote:
> Have an interesting problem... well maybe not that interesting...
> some time back I acquired an RALINK5200, some no name thing from jaycar... I
> was wanting to put this thing into an old bx motherboard, however when its
> in, the box refuses to boot, although it does mostly power up, also when it
> does boot it can't see the card... this is a problem as the card works in
> another box no problem... any ideas on cause or solution?  Only  thing I can
> think of is that its trying to suck to much power in...
> Anon, Daryl

These devices need a machine with PCI 2.2 or greater so old pentium
machines aren't likely to cut it.  I think the 3.3v behaviour was optional
with earlier versions of the spec and later made mandatory.

This is mentioned in the OpenBSD man page for the RT2500 driver.
I'd be interested in a product/model name if your device
is not listed in the RT2500 device list in that page.


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