Tim Hogard thogard at knotty.abnormal.com
Thu Feb 24 23:31:29 EST 2005

> The problem is other wireless groups won't take kindly to one group making
> a decision like that.  The other issue is that other wireless groups
> already have other DNS systems, some similar to this one. Another issue is
> that we really shouldn't be thinking about linking interstate when we
> aren't linked up within the state.
Thats the point of DNS... no grand unified system however convention means
alot.  My site is web.abnormal.com but www.abnormal.com works.  Back
when www came out the guys who came up with it was very good at
writen english so "world wide web" made sense but it was pronouced 
Vee-Vee-Vee which is much better than "Double U double U..."

> There's a lot of getting ahead of ourselves which results in nobody making
> a decision in the end and nothing progressing at all.  Part of the reason I
> have become so jaded.
That is a differnt issues that I think the comitteee should address however
unless someone is getting paid to focus on a problem, hackers tend
to get distracted by tangents.

> With the mwnode.com DNS setup, it took nothing to setup, it works for
> everyone, it's very simple.  Until such time as someone can show the group
> another system that works and an actual *need* for another system, why
> bother?
Exactly. I need more than your system provides (well maybe not)
which is why node HVC is hvc.abnormal.com.  I have full control
and I don't care what rules other people make up for the system...
I'm doing it my way unless I've got a good reason to do it a different

Oh,  node HVC has been connected to more nodes off the continent than
on it.  that includes links to nodes in seattle wireless, 
two bay area networks and one in europe somewhere.


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