[MLB-WIRELESS] Wanted: SCSI drives

vk3jma at ozemail.com.au vk3jma at ozemail.com.au
Wed Sep 1 11:09:39 EST 2004

Hi Again People,

well the saga of the DIGITAL (tm) Server 1000 continues.

Thanks to the help and advice of the people of this forum I have got the system running RH7.0 on a borrowed 2G SCSI drive.  For a 266 MHz processor, with 64Meg RAM, it goes pretty damn well!!
Anyway,  I am looking for some "cheap" scsi drives, best to be 68pin as that is what the cable and motherboard use, apart from the CDROM which is 50pin but I got a adaptor (tnx peter).

If you can help with a source of scsi drives please let me know. 



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