[MLB-WIRELESS] OT: Vodaphone GPRS (Mobile Connect) and laptops

Rowan Crowe rowan at sensation.net.au
Tue Oct 26 19:46:53 EST 2004

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Nath P wrote:

> Thanks for the info guys,
> its actually not as expensive as i thought it was going to be.
> seems that after you dish out $400 for the card its $50 a month with a
> 500MB limit...

That's looking half reasonable. Only a couple of years ago Telstra were
charging 2.2c per kilobyte (a whopping $22 per meg). In many cases it
would have been cheaper to dial with a GSM modem and pay timed call

*wanders off to telstra.com.au*

I just checked and it seems those are still the current rates for pay as
you go. :-\ The highest volume account costs $85 per month and includes a
'generous' 10Mb download allowance. It looks like Telstra haven't quite
caught up yet...



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