[MLB-WIRELESS] http password access?

vk3jma at ozemail.com.au vk3jma at ozemail.com.au
Thu Oct 14 14:22:49 EST 2004

Hi People,

firstly, many thanks for your input to my earlier query regarding this topic.  I have managed to get the User/Pass banner to be displayed when linking into my web page.

However, the next step is where it all falls apart....

It appears to ignore the password (or user).

I have a "Require maitken" in the /etc/httpd/conf/access.conf file for myself and created a passwd file /etc/httpd/conf/passwd using "htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/passwd maitken"
but still it ignores my attemps to log in.

Have I placed the passwd file in the correct position?  My html files are in /var/www/html.

The system is RH7.0.

Again thanks for any help you can offer.



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