[MLB-WIRELESS] Committee Nominations 2004/05

James Healy jimmy at deefa.com
Thu Nov 11 21:45:27 EST 2004

The following nominations have been received for Committee positions up 
for election at tomorrow night's AGM.

   - Steven Haigh

Vice President
   - Darren Dreis


   - Tyson Clugg

Ordinary Members
   - Vaskos Tsiatis
   - Rik Gryzb

As announced earlier, nominations will only be called for on the night 
for positions with no prior nominations, so if you're considering 
running for the committee, you're welcome to run for Secretary.

Hope to see you tomorrow night!


James Healy

"Oder tis moodle in der noggin tu smacken der ouchey und
vinger-slingers ur to smacken-backen und fix de morkin, yoobetcha!"
                            - The Sweedish Chef.

personal : jimmy at deefa.com / Work: james at rainbowbooks.com.au
MelbWireless: treasurer at wireless.org.au
msn: jimmy at deefa.com / ICQ : 6370237
publicKey: http://www.deefa.com/?key

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