[MLB-WIRELESS] Volunteer Small Equipment Grants

Tom Fifield [gummAY] gummay at gummAY.net
Sun May 30 12:28:50 EST 2004

Hey all,

just caught the ad in the paper this morning and was wondering if 
MelbWireless had though of applying.

 From what I can see, we are eligable(I wasn't sure about the ABN/PAYG 
section however) - and I'm sure $5000 towards strengthening the network 
would go along nicely.

The money can't just sit in the treasury and be saved for a rainy day 
however - it needs to be spent on one or more items of equipment.

So I ask: if you had $5000 to spend on MelbWireless equipment, what 
would you spend it on?
-buying GHO a new amp?
-wireless.org.au server fund ?

Are we indeed eligble for this?

http://www.facs.gov.au/vseg2004/ - applications close 18th June 2004

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