[MLB-WIRELESS] internetphones

Ash Nallawalla ash at melbpc.org.au
Sun May 16 14:53:13 EST 2004

> can someone email me some urls for them? maybe some that you 
> can call peoples hope phones with ? what kind of charges are involved?

I have been using a TalkPro VoIP (non-SIP) phone (www.talkpro.net) for a few
months. It has local numbers in some US cities and callers dial them then my
6-digit number to reach me.  Costs me nothing for such calls.  I can call other
TalkPro numbers for free.  If I want to call any normal number, it costs close to
calling card rates in the US, e.g. US3c - 30c minute depending on the country.

I am soon getting a Vonage phone (www.vonage.com) that will give me a unique US
phone number (mainly for me to talk to my US client who is paying for it).

A few MW types are using Jeff Pulver's IP phones.


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